The following Dyson Stubborn Dirt Brush review in essence comes in two parts -- the first part aims to give you a rather objective report of the Dyson attachment (e.g. what is its purpose, and how does it actually work, technical specifications etc.), whereas the second section provides you with a 'real' perspective (e.g. my own opinion and review of how well the Dyson brush works, and summary of the overall reviews and outlook on genuinely how good the Stiff Bristle brush is? -- is it worth it?).
What is the Dyson Stiff Bristle Brush?
The 'Dirt Brush' is essentially an attachment that can allow you to remove stubborn, dry and 'ground-in' dirt and debris from your furniture and soft flooring (e.g. carpet flooring etc.).
How Does the Dyson Stubborn Dirt Brush Work?
It works through simply attaching on to the end of your Dyson's telescope hose or wand (available for all Dyson vacuum cleaners), from which you can then work the dirt loose with bristles that are purposely angled to cause a 'flicking' motion to pop up the 'dug-in' dirt etc. from the soft surface and straight into the air flow suction.
Is My Dyson Vacuum Compatible With the Dyson Stubborn Dirt Brush?
The Stubborn Dirt Brush works with ALL Dyson models. This includes ALL upright Dyson vacuum cleaners (e.g. DC33, DC40, DC41 etc. and all the versions -- multi-floor, animal, limited and complete), ALL Cylinder/Canister Dyson vacuum cleaners (e.g. DC32, DC38, DC39 etc. and all the versions -- multi-floor, animal, limited and complete) as well as ALL handheld Dyson Vacuums (e.g. DC31, DC34, DC35, DC44 etc. and all the versions -- mutli-floor and animal).
How 'Good' is the Dyson Stubborn Dirt Brush?
There is no faulting it really -- it does exactly what it says, and a fair bit more too (with myself and others, using it for a whole range of jobs other than its intended purpose, for me it usually also gets used for cleaning pet hair from stairs etc. or basically any stain or dirt patch the Dyson is struggling to pick up by itself). Although, you could admittedly do without it -- having it, I would say definitely make your cleaning life both easier and faster.
Is the Dyson Stubborn Dirt Brush Worth it?
Don't just take my word for it though, check out other reviews of the 'Stiff Bristle brush' also and you will find that the majority back up my own view too -- for example on (as of 04/10/2012) it scores an average rating of 4.8 out of 5, and covered with positive comments and reviews -- e.g. "If you can only get one attachment, get this one. I have a lot of different attachments (flexi, soft, low floor, mini, and the three standard ones), and this one stays on my DC17 a lot more frequently than the others combined." and "Although this seems like an accessory that I could have done without, I am very, very please how useful this tool is. It does a better job of picking up debris where the wall and the carpet meeting." summing the overall view of the Stiff Bristle brush rather well.
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